Thursday, January 19, 2012

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, but mostly the DRUMS

In the book, Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie By Jordan Sonnenblick, Steven, the main character, has a younger brother with cancer. Throughout Jeffery's suffering, Steven suffers alot. The one thing that keeps him alive are the drums he plays. They are his life and his daily breathe and the reason why he can handle the situation he is in now. The drums are his escape from the harshness of reality.

"...drumming feels great- physically great-while you're doing it..." (283)
This shows that he loves to play the drums. I think that if I were him I would probably run away from home because I'm not exactly the type of person that handles diseases too well. I think that this shows that the experience helped him mature more and grow up more as a young man.

"The only times when I've truly felt all right were the times when I was playing the drums." (53)
I think that this shows that he finds the drums to be a way of keeping himself safe and well. The drums are the one things that are always their for him. Not for his little brother with cancer, but only for him.

I think that thanks to the passion of playing drums that Steven had. He survived his brothers time of suffering. I think that without the drums he would've been lost.

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