Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The problem with abortions is that a baby loses his life because a young lady makes a bad choice, but what is worse is living with the pain of the memory. Not knowing what your baby could've looked like, not caring because you would've loved him just exactly how he was. These are the things that haunt to young ladies of our generation. Most of them making the altimate decision to have sex then not dealing with the result of their decision. Then, they kill their baby because it might be a memory of their bad decision, like if the baby themself asked you to have sex. Then again, it could've been the start to a new beginning, of a new life, of a new you.

I think that what causes women to have abortions most of the time is their partner. Most of the time both aren't even ready for the responsibility of a child at times, but they just want to experience things at a young age, not fully comprehending what comes with fun. Also, at times the father of the baby may say to the mother, "If you don't leave the baby, then I will leave you." It hurts the mother so much that she feels as if she is forced to leave her baby. In some cases, the result may be that the mother has an Abortion, but in some cases the mother is a strong individual and keeps the baby. She fights for the baby who can't fight for himself or herself.

I think that a solution for Abortion could be that all we need are young women willing to fight for their babies life. They are willing to keep their baby alive, and they are willing to give the baby all the necessary love it needs, because that is what a good mother does, she loves her baby even before it is born. She loves it because she wants it to love her, too. She loves her baby because her baby is her own baby.

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