Monday, November 14, 2011


It is one of the social issues that is taking lives from many of their loved ones. The problem of bullying is that there are many different ways to bully a person, yet all hurt just as much as the other. For example there is Cyberbullying- bullying that is carried out by an electronic medium. Verbal bullying- where you aren't physically hurt but people say things that hurt your feelings. Physical bullying- someone is physically touching you and hurting you in a negative way.

There are many different reasons to why people start to bully others. One reason is because they get bullied, so they feel that if they bully someone and get away with it they are bigger and better in some way, it makes them feel better about themselves. Also, many times bullies are rewarded for their bad behavior as small children so they continue their act of malice until corrected. This causes others to suffer because of a case that could've been stopped before it got out of control. At many times, bullying may result in fatal endings like deaths, or even suicides.

I personally think that if all people just treated others with total respect then there wouldn't have to be an excuse to treat others in a bad way, even if people can always find a way to come up with an excuse for their bad actions, people would think twice when they were mean to someone and they would help save a life that would've comitted suicide due to bullying itself.

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